Hello my love, I AM Courtney...

I am a space holder and healer for those willing to go to the depth of their soul to heal and come home ​to themselves. I am also an author, retreat host, environmentalist, fiancé, dog mum, lover of house music ​& strawberry matcha! I choose to lead from the life I now live.

My journey began at 11, consuming all of the self development content I could get my hands on. At 23, I ​had my ‘I’m done’ moment’, where I went from experiencing darkness in mental health, far from self ​connection and trapped in a pattern of chaos, to peace, love and gratitude for life. Through being willing ​to go through all of the emotions, I was able to choose a life where I love myself. Healing allowed me to ​learn to clear my space and energy to receive what is already mine in joy and fulfilment - the present.


I work with clients who are willing to heal to become connected to their mind, body and soul to become ​their own safest place. I work holistically with energy healing, mindset work, nervous system and ​spirituality. To heal is to spend your energy honouring what YOU desire in this lifetime, not what you ​think you should do. To heal is deeply acknowledge what is and focus your energy on what you want. ​That’s where the magic is - taking the heavy and making it light.

If you are feeling called to my spaces, send me a DM on Instagram & lets chat or browse my offers below!

Courtney emma

Start here

the 4-day free experience:

willing (RAN MAY ‘24)

For the woman who desires to go to the depths of her soul, heal ​what is required of her and be willing to love herself more than ever ​before. This is my space to share my wisdom and code to life, gifting ​you not only permission to heal, but to have the dominant state and ​energy of love, gratitude, joy and peace present in your life

  • two live call replays
  • private podcast channel with activations
  • invitations to tasks to experience
  • exclusive offers for the women inside


Coached by coco:


This is the ultimate space to come into of mine to experience more ​of yourself. There are past community calls, meditations, over 12 ​hours of past courses and masterclasses to binge and more!

You get access to past masterclasses & workshops which include:

  • GROUNDED 5-Day course
  • MANI-FEST 2-day manifestation workshop
  • Past community call replays


Courtney emma


HEaling Sessions

For the woman who desires healing, coaching and guidance back to ​her own truth, answers and inner knowing. This is where you get the ​permission to see yourself in what you desire to release and ​embrace. This is the healing space to go to the depths of your ​shadow, acknowledge your fears, regulate your nervous system and ​to realise how powerful, supported and loved your soul truly is. ​Courtney will email or DM you to book your session.

  • 90 minutes of energy healing for mind, body & soul connection
  • Coaching and guidance on next steps
  • Access to my mentorship and wisdom from my life’s experience ​in trauma healing & spirituality
  • Self connection, fulfilment and inner peace


OR Access a 4x session bundle for $699 - or DM me for ​an extended payment plan

EFT Tapping sessions

This is intentional energy healing for anything you feel resistance ​to, stuck in or fear (emotion/situation/past experience). Through ​tapping on your energetic meridians, you regain the flow of ​energy stuck from a state of shame, low self-worth and fear. ​Together we embrace your self-love & inner power by shifting ​from a low to a high frequency energetic state.

Courtney will email or DM you to book your session.

  • 60 minute private EFT tapping session
  • Guidance on how to take what you learned within yourself ​and apply it to your life
  • Access to my 1:1 coaching


OR Access a 3x session bundle on a fortnightly ​payment plan here - $299 ($99.99/fn)

GO DEEPER: 1:1 Channel of healing

This space is for the woman who desires to deeply heal and create intention by going to the depths and creating their inner safety 🧡 Through mind, body and soul healing modalities and energy work, this space gives you permission to honour yourself, open your heart, and realise you always have the answers that you need in your next steps. Allowing yourself to follow your intuition every time always leads to your desires.

My healing and coaching is different for everyone . Our space together could be learning from my life experience (mentorship), nervous system healing, past-trauma healing, spiritual connection to trust your intuition & surrender, somatic releasing, mindset coaching, energy work, or light work to become fulfilled, peaceful and grateful. It most likely will be a blend of the above.

While we go to the depths of your heavy to bring to light, we focus most of our time on how to cultivate a state of joy. To not only live the life of your dreams, but take the pressure off and enjoy every moment of presence, stillness and space. If you are being called to heal in this season, I acknowledge the courage it takes to lean in all the way through and create magic throughout. This is your Channel of Healing.


  • 3 or 6 month private healing containers (online).
  • WEEK ONE: 90 Minute Healing Call & 60 minute EFT Tapping session, private messaging access.
  • WEEKS 2-4: Group chat, monthly group coaching calls and a private podcast channel. Still access to 1:1 private messaging with Courtney.
  • Investment: $899/month and starting on the first of each month!

Book Your Container Below:

To pay in full 3 or 6 Month Container: Click here & change quantity to 3 ($2,697) or 6 ($5,394) at checkout

3 Month Container: 3 month payment plan OR 6 month payment plan

6 Month Container: 6 month payment plan OR 9 month payment plan



Come home to yourself and normalise the life you desire to live by LIVING it. We heal, ​we have fun, you leave at peace with yourself and the fulfilled life you desire to create

These are my most sacred spaces. We will spend 3 days together in a beautiful, nature ​immersed location, allowing you the safety and space required to really come home to ​all of yourself.

  • Welcome pack and activities
  • 3 day, 2 night all inclusive stay
  • Private 1:1 access to Courtney for the entire stay
  • Unlimited workshops, EFT tapping sessions and conversation all tailored to your ​desires & healing
  • GOLD COAST, AUSTRALIA: 21st-23rd September
  • SIARGAO, PHILLIPINES: 6th-8th October
  • CHRISTCHURCH, NZ: 18th-20th October
  • GOLD COAST, AUSTRALIA: 9-11th November
  • $2,200 NZD

For more details, payment plans & to book:

DM ME @iamcourtneyemma or email courtneyreidcoaching@gmail.com